lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Question about text Eating out the Japanese way

  1. What is the restaurant's name?
  2. What is the main course?
  3. How is Tomoe's decoration?
  4. Where does Sushi come from?
  5. What does a chopsticks use for?
  6. How is the staff in Tomoe Sushi?
  7. What is the Sushi?
  8. What did the writer have like appetiser?
  9. How was the rolls with salmon?
  10. How was the meal in Tomoe Sushi?

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011

Activities about Simple Past Tense

Put the following sentences into negative form using simple past tense

  1. she felt so tired today
  2. we did some maths exercises
  3. they won two golden medals in that competition
  4. he came to my class very early in the morning
  5. Chaplin was a very good actor

Complete sentences with the correct simple past tense:

  1. my mother................... (Have) a good sense of humour
  2. we...............................  (Be) at the new mall in Santiago
  3. he................................. (Find) some interesting things to do
  4. his father...................... (Send) me his new English project
  5. they.............................(Learn) how to multiple and rest
  6. you............................... (Go) to that metal hard rock concert
  7. does he……………….. (Leave) the town today?
Put the following sentences into negative form in simple past tense

  1. her sister plays tennis and also rugby
  2. Mr. Harris writes me a nice poem of love
  3. I do my homework by my own
  4. you get a very good result in the last English test
  5. he gives me a beautiful gift for my birthday
Fill the sentences with the verbs in the chart in simple past tense


  1. We .......... exercise together  
  2. James didn’t…….enough time
  3. Did she… only orange juice? 
  4. Lindsay……….. me a secret
  5. Did you……… the answer to this question?
  6. Did Peter…….. about  me?
  7. He...........a piece of cake   

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


Tomoe Sushi is one of New York's high quality sushi restaurants, if you don't mind waiting in a line for a seat. I really enjoyed my visit there - the sushi served is delicious and a great value. We had some great rolls with salmon - you could really feel they were fresh! Then we ordered a portion of Trout Roses - 6 pieces. They were fantastic and the rice was great - it was the right texture and not too soft. I'm not a great expert at eating with chopsticks so it took me a while to get the hang of it but once I tried it was not too difficult. Finally, we had some Japanese green tea and a few sweet rice cookies.
Sushi has a very interesting origin and it continues to be a popular food today. It is made with a combination of shellfish, cooked or raw fish, vegetables, and rice. Although sushi is most commonly linked to Japan, it actually began in China during the 7th Century. When people caught fish they had to preserve it and the only method was by fermentation. People cleaned, filleted, and pressed raw fish between some sea salt and usually put a very heavy stone on top of it. The fish stayed this way for weeks until the cook removed the stone and then put on some type of light cover. The fish remained in the salt layers for a couple of months until the fermentation process was complete.
Tomoe is the kind of place where decoration doesn't really matter. It is simple enough, with a few Japanese prints; the waiters are Japanese - all really quick and polite. And the price was also right, considering that the meal was good and abundant enough.


Spencer Davis creates all types of inventions in his garage. He is a big fan of do-it-yourself
inventing, which requires little more than a few pieces of trash, drugstore supplies and a lot of imagination. Spencer’s passion for inventing began in eighth grade. Before that, he had done some experiments with barbeque skewers and rubber bands. Since then, his creations have improved in design, appearance, and technology. Over the years, Spencer has designed bunkers, tree houses, robots, and caffeinated cereal. Besides, Spencer also enjoys sillier types of inventing; he has “fixed” an old tape player to put his iPod inside and play it through the tape. Another high-voltage creation is what Spencer calls “the glove.” In essence, it is a leather glove with a battery and disposable camera parts wrapped in electrical tape.  Although Spencer’s mother expresses some worries about his inventions, she is very supportive of Spencer’s hobby. For him, inventing is a constructive activity, and it’s good for teens who might be involved in more destructive hobbies. He dedicates about six hours of every weekend to work on his inventions. Then, he blows off steam and gets new inspirations by playing video games. For the summer, Spencer has plans to build an
electric boat powered entirely by solar panels. Spencer hopes to continue inventing through college and perhaps turn his experimentations into a career. “Inventing is an investment,” Spencer says.“Some of the inventions will work and others won’t, but in the end you will be satisfied. I’ll definitely be making stuff forever.”

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011


airplane - automobile - cell phone - compact disc - credit card - digital video disc - typewriter - facebook - internet - liquid paper - mp3 - refrigerator - television - vacuum cleaner - velcro - you tube

  • Name of invention
  • Name of inventor
  • Place of invention
  • year
  • Additional information

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

Questions: The Wizard of Menlo Park

Questions about text the wizard of Menlo Park.(3ro Medio)
  • Where was Thomas A. Edison born?
  • When was Thomas A. Edison born?
  • How old was Thomas Edison when he started his own business?
  • When did he open his first laboratory?
  • What kind of job did he obtain when he was 15?
  • Where did he develop the telegraph?
  • Where did he move his laboratory in 1876?
  • When did he die?
  • What were his most important inventions?

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

Activity Text The wizard of Merlo Park

What happened in ...? (according to the text)

1847 - 1859 - 1862 - 1863 - 1874 - 1876 - 1877 - 1879 - 1892 - 1930 - 1931

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Listening 4to medio

  1. Maybe some flowers
  2. I think I had forgotten to lock the locker
  3. If you want to bring, call first
  4. I was doing my exercises
  5. I just got invited to my teacher's house
  6. Someone stole my wallet
  7. How nice!
  8. But I lost my credit card
  9. You are invited to someone's house
  10. Is it all right to bring a friend along?
  11. Did you lose much money?
  12. It is the custom to bring a small gift
  13. Ask if it's Ok
  14. What happened?
  15. I had put my stuff in my locker

Phrasal Verbs

4to Medio
ask out - blow up - break up - chip in - chicken out - come across - eat out - get along (with) - give up - hang up - kick out - look forward to - look like - look up - make up - stand up - pass away

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

The wizard of Menlo Park (1ro Medio)


Thomas A. Edison was born on Feb. 11, 1847, in Ohio, USA. At 12, Tom became an “adult”, and started his own business selling fruits and vegetables. He had also devoured The World Dictionary of Science and many works on Practical Chemistry. At the age of 15, Tom obtained a job as a replacement for one of the telegraph operators who had gone off to the Civil War. At 16, he finally came up with his first authentic invention, an “automatic repeater”, which transmitted telegraph signals between stations. However, he never patented the initial version of this idea. In those days, Tom toiled 12 hours a day, six days a week for Western Union while he worked on his own projects. He received his first patent for a beautifully constructed electric voice-recording machine which turned out to be a disaster. Edison then went to New York, where he developed the telegraph, the quadruple transmitter and the stock-ticker.  Over the next three years, Edison’s progress really took off. In 1874, he opened his first laboratory in Newark, New Jersey. In 1876, he moved his laboratory to Menlo Park, New Jersey. In 1877 he invented the first phonograph and in 1879, the first incandescent electric light bulb. The Edison General Electric Co. became the great General Electric Corporation in 1892 when it merged with another firm. With the beginning of the XX century, Edison finally began to slow down. He obtained his last (1,093rd) patent when he was 83. He died on October, 18th, 1931 in New Jersey. Shortly before passing away, he awoke and whispered to his wife Mina who was by his side: “It is very beautiful over there.” Thomas Edison was more responsible than anyone else for creating the modern world.

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011

In ago since for from to

           In / Ago / Since / For (x2) / From… to                                                                                     

  1. Rock music has been popular ______ more than 50 years. The Beatles were a well-known English band _______ the 1960s. They performed together _______ten years… _______ 1960 _______ 1970. In 2003, the Beatles released another album, even though two of the original members had already died. The album was recorded _______ 1969, nearly 40 years _______. 
  1. _______ 2003, the United States launched two Mars exploration spacecraft. Their mission, wich lasted _______ more then a year, was to gather information about the rocks, soil and atmosphere on Mars using rovers called Spirit and Opportunity. Scientists thought they would last _______ only four months. _______ that time they have sent back thousands of live pictures of the surface of Mars.
  1. All right. First question… When did World War I begin? I Think it began _______1917. And how long has the United Nations been in existence?... _______ Kennedy became president _______ 1961.
  1. How long were the Beatles together?... They started _______ 1965, and broke up _______ 1980, so they were together _______ 15 years. More exactly _______1965 _______ 1980.
  1. The luxury ship Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean _______ 1912, 99 years _______.
  1. The cellular telephone was developed in Sweden about 25 years _______.
  1. _______ the late 1970s HIV has infected an estimated 58 millions people.
  1. 48 years _______ U.S. president John F. Kennedy was shot to death.
  1. Disco has been popular _______ the 1970s. People have been listening _______ more than 30 years.
  1. The Berlin Wall was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic _______ 13 August 1961 _______ 9  November 1989.

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

What's the custom?

What happened?

Three new restaurants (2do Medio)

Some people say that being a restaurant reviewer is the best job in the world but sometimes it's not. Visiting The Crazy Cows was a disappointing experience. And the decoration was crazy too - metal seats in repulsive black and white leather and pictures of cows on the walls. Although I had a booking for a table for two it took the staff 20 minutes to accommodate me and my partner. "We have too many guests and not enough waiters," the manager explained. The appetiser arrived half an hour later - a cold tomato soup with some old bread. When the steak came (well- done, please, I asked) it was still red and looked uncooked. I asked for some garlic sauce for the meat but they didn't have any! The experience was too bad to wait for dessert. "Do you have any fresh coffee?" I asked. And guess what? They didn't have any. But I was really shocked when I received the bill. It was too expensive. I didn't leave tip and left the restaurant very angry. It was a wasted evening. Take my suggestion and don't visit The Crazy Cows!

The second restaurant was El Mariscal. It has some potential because of its great location and an exceptional selection of ingredients. The food is excellent and the service impeccable, the staff are friendly, well-presented and very polite. The decoration is cheerful with lovely photos of the ocean and some green transparent fish on the wall; the place has a great atmosphere. In general, it was the best meal I've had for a long time. It was well-cooked and it came very quickly. First of all, I had mussels with some parmesan cheese. They were delicious and really fresh. And, for the second course, I chose salmon which came with butter and pepper sauce and some spicy potato purée and asparagus. Last, I had some lovely dessert - passion fruit mousse and, to top it off, I drank a cup of strong black coffee. Only one thing was not quite right - they didn't have any artificial sweetener for coffee - just sugar. The meal was not too expensive either. I would definitely recommend El Mariscal for a delicious meal.

Café Dolce Vita is a lively and authentic Italian restaurant with a typical decoration of simple tables covered with cheerful red tablecloths and pictures of Italian landmarks such as Rome and Venice. The best thing about the restaurant is the price! If you order before 7 p.m. you get two dishes for the price of one - a really good offer if you consider their size. I had some Pasta Alfredo and my partner had cannelloni with spinach and a little cheese. We had some tiramisu for dessert - really delicious. The restaurant didn't get full marks because the service was not very good - the waiter was too slow. But overall, I would recommend the place mainly because when we finished the food I felt really good and I thought that this is what restaurants are all about - a good meal.

What is a part time job?

 Part-time jobs are available for teens, college students, moms, retirees and anymore seeking to earn extra money. Employers often prefer to hire part-time workers since they typically do not have to provide benefits. Many leading employers of part-time workers accept online applications. In other cases, it is better to apply in person.

Here are some suggestions for how to get started on a part-time job search. Applying for a part-time job is a little different from applying for a full-time professional position. You may not need a resume and cover letter, but you should follow these basic rules:

1.                  If you have multiple piercings you might want to consider removing some of them while you are job searching.

2.                  Make sure your hair and fingernails are well groomed. Extreme hair styles or colours aren’t going to help you get a job.

3.                  No jeans or shorts, no tank tops, crop tops or anything especially  too short (skirt, shirt or pants). “Muffin top” jeans or khakis, with your belly showing, should also be on your list of what not to wear when applying for a job.

4.                  Dress should be, at the least, neat and tidy. Business casual is usually appropriate. For example, khakis and a neat polo shirt would work well.

5.                  Wear moderate shoes. Don’t wear spike heels, platforms, flip flops or old dirty sneakers.

6.                  Bring the information you will need to fill out an application: school attended and dates. Names and adresses of previous employers, if you have worked before. Dates of employment. References (can be neighbours or teachers)and a resume.