domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

What is a part time job?

 Part-time jobs are available for teens, college students, moms, retirees and anymore seeking to earn extra money. Employers often prefer to hire part-time workers since they typically do not have to provide benefits. Many leading employers of part-time workers accept online applications. In other cases, it is better to apply in person.

Here are some suggestions for how to get started on a part-time job search. Applying for a part-time job is a little different from applying for a full-time professional position. You may not need a resume and cover letter, but you should follow these basic rules:

1.                  If you have multiple piercings you might want to consider removing some of them while you are job searching.

2.                  Make sure your hair and fingernails are well groomed. Extreme hair styles or colours aren’t going to help you get a job.

3.                  No jeans or shorts, no tank tops, crop tops or anything especially  too short (skirt, shirt or pants). “Muffin top” jeans or khakis, with your belly showing, should also be on your list of what not to wear when applying for a job.

4.                  Dress should be, at the least, neat and tidy. Business casual is usually appropriate. For example, khakis and a neat polo shirt would work well.

5.                  Wear moderate shoes. Don’t wear spike heels, platforms, flip flops or old dirty sneakers.

6.                  Bring the information you will need to fill out an application: school attended and dates. Names and adresses of previous employers, if you have worked before. Dates of employment. References (can be neighbours or teachers)and a resume.

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