miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011

In ago since for from to

           In / Ago / Since / For (x2) / From… to                                                                                     

  1. Rock music has been popular ______ more than 50 years. The Beatles were a well-known English band _______ the 1960s. They performed together _______ten years… _______ 1960 _______ 1970. In 2003, the Beatles released another album, even though two of the original members had already died. The album was recorded _______ 1969, nearly 40 years _______. 
  1. _______ 2003, the United States launched two Mars exploration spacecraft. Their mission, wich lasted _______ more then a year, was to gather information about the rocks, soil and atmosphere on Mars using rovers called Spirit and Opportunity. Scientists thought they would last _______ only four months. _______ that time they have sent back thousands of live pictures of the surface of Mars.
  1. All right. First question… When did World War I begin? I Think it began _______1917. And how long has the United Nations been in existence?... _______ Kennedy became president _______ 1961.
  1. How long were the Beatles together?... They started _______ 1965, and broke up _______ 1980, so they were together _______ 15 years. More exactly _______1965 _______ 1980.
  1. The luxury ship Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean _______ 1912, 99 years _______.
  1. The cellular telephone was developed in Sweden about 25 years _______.
  1. _______ the late 1970s HIV has infected an estimated 58 millions people.
  1. 48 years _______ U.S. president John F. Kennedy was shot to death.
  1. Disco has been popular _______ the 1970s. People have been listening _______ more than 30 years.
  1. The Berlin Wall was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic _______ 13 August 1961 _______ 9  November 1989.

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