miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Reading Conprehension 4to medio

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Alice’s Journey through Time

Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago people were reading Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. It tells the story of a girl called Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world that is populated by strange and magical creatures. When Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865 it was an instant success, and even Queen Victoria became a fan. Since then, over one hundred editions of the book have been published and it has sold hundreds of millions of copies in countless languages.
But the success of Alice in Wonderland was not just limited to books. Walt Disney created a comic of the story in the1950s and later made an animated film. The story also became a TV series and was made into numerous films around the world. The most recent film adaptation was in 2010. Johnny Depp starred in Tim Burton’s film version, which used a combination of live action and 3D animation. The film was extremely successful with critics and with the public. However, the story of Alice in Wonderland doesn’t stop there. Throughout its life new media have taken the story and presented it in different ways. Originally a book, Alice in Wonderland has appeared in the theatre, in comics, cartoons, films and in 3D. The latest and perhaps most revolutionary innovation is the electronic book Alice for the iPad. In this version, when they touch or shake their iPad, readers can make Alice grow or shrink, throw darts at the Queen, make the Mad Hatter even madder or swing the rabbit’s pocket watch. Reading a good story has never been so much fun!

Monica: What do you prefer to read: comics or books?
Roberto: That’s true. Books are longer, often too long.
Monica: Yes, but it’s not really a waste of time. You just have to hope the next book you read is better!
Roberto: Maybe you’re right, but I still prefer comics.
Monica: Why? Some people say that comics are for lazy people.
Roberto: Yeah, but sometimes the ending of a book is really disappointing I hate that. You feel like you’ve wasted a lot of time...
Monica: I don’t mind a long book if it’s good. When you get to the end of a good book you feel you would like it to go on...
Roberto: I’m not lazy! Sometimes books are complicated and have too many characters. Comics are easier to understand.
Monica: They are also shorter than books!

Roberto: Oh comics, definitely!

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