jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Reading 3ro medio

Write and translate to Spanish on your notebook. Then answer the question below.

In 1998, when Ryan was in grade one, he learnt from his teacher that people were dying because they did not have clean water to drink. He decided that raising money for those people would be a good thing. He worked for four months in order to earn his first seventy dollars. Ryan’s first well was built in 1999, when he was seven years-old, at a school in a Ugandan village. Ryan’s project grew from the seventy dollars collected by doing simple household chores to a foundation that today has contributed a total of five hundred and two water and sanitation projects in sixteen countries, bringing clean water and sanitation services to over  six hundred twenty one thousand seven hundred and twelve people. The foundation has raised millions of dollars. Ryan remains dedicated to the foundation and its work. He continues to speak passionately about the need for clean water around the world, and has visited over two dozen countries spreading his message. He has made presentations to hundreds of schools, churches, and civic clubs, and has attended more than two dozen international conferences and global events, including Rotary International and the World Water Forums. He is recognised by UNICEF as a Global Youth Leader. Ryan has received many awards for his work, including the World of Children Founders’ Award, the Order of Ontario (youngest ever recipient), the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers, the Canadian Meritorious Service Medal, the One X One Difference Award, and the Top 20 Under 20 Youth Award. His message has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, and CBC. Numerous books, magazines and newspapers have profiled Ryan, including Christian Science Monitor, People, Reader’s Digest, Time, Times of London and Watervoices. Ryan has met some of the most important people in the world, but he is not bragging. “The most impressive people I’ve met are the other kids who want to help, too,” he says. “I’m just an average kid,” Ryan says when anyone asks about his achievements. This is true; he plays basketball and ice hockey, and loves playing video games. Ryan’s family has been very supportive of his efforts to get clean water to poor people around the world. Ryan has recently graduated from high school in his hometown of Kemptville, Ontario. He will be attending the University of King’s College this upcoming year in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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