martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

Stand by me

Song: Stand by me. Write on your notebook and translate

Made a meal and threw it up on sunday, i´ve - 
got a lot of things to learn, 
said i would and i´ll be leaving one day, 
before my heart starts to burn. 
so what´s the matter with you? 
sing me something new... 
don´t you know 
the cold and wind and rain don´t know, 
they only seem to come and go away. 

times are hard when things have got no meaning, 
i´ve found a key upon the floor, 
maybe you and i will not believe in 
the things we find behind the door. 

so what´s the matter with you? 
sing me something new... 
don´t you know 
the cold and wind and rain don´t know, 
they only seem to come and go away. 

stand by me, 
nobody knows the way it´s gonna be, 
stand by me, 
nobody knows the way it´s gonna be, 
stand by me, 
nobody knows the way it´s gonna be, 
stand by me, 
nobody knows, 
yeah nobody knows, 
the way it´s gonna be. 

if you´re leaving will you take me with you, 
i´m tired of talking on my phone, 
there is one thing i could never give you, » letras traducidas al español 
my heart would never be your home, 

so what´s the matter with you? 
sing me something new... 
don´t you know 
the cold and wind and rain don´t know, 
they only seem to come and go away. 

stand by me, 
nobody knows the way it´s gonna be, 
stand by me, 
nobody knows the way it´s gonna be, 
stand by me, 
nobody knows the way it´s gonna be, 
stand by me, 
nobody knows, 
yeah nobody knows, 
the way it´s gonna be. 
the way it´s gonna be, yeah. 

maybe i can see, yeah, 
but don´t you know the cold and wind and rain don´t know 
they only seem to come and go, away. 

stand by me, 
nobody knows the way it´s gonna be, 
stand by me, 
nobody knows the way it´s gonna be, 
stand by me, 
nobody knows the way it´s gonna be, 
stand by me, 
nobody knows, 
yeah god only knows, 
the way it´s gonna be. 

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Activities 3er Medio

Answer the following questions

  1. What is  the best title for this article? Circle the correct answer)

a. Water for Africa     b. Ryan’s Story    c. A Child’s Voice       d. Water Wells

  1. Read the article carefully. What do these numbers refer to? Answer in English

a. 1998 ______________________________________

b. 16 ________________________________________

c. 70 ________________________________________

d. 621,712 ________________________________________________

Read the text again. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? (Justify the false)

Ryan’s idea didn’t work very well.
Ryan is a highly gifted boy.
Ryan has received many awards for his work.
Some people are dying because they don’t have clean water.

Read the text once more and answer these questions.

a.    Why did Ryan decide to work for four months?

b.    What is the topic of his presentations when he visits different parts of the world?

c.    In what ways is Ryan just like any other kid?

d. Where has Ryan graduated?

e.    What are Ryan’s plans for the near future?

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Reading 3ro medio

Write and translate to Spanish on your notebook. Then answer the question below.

In 1998, when Ryan was in grade one, he learnt from his teacher that people were dying because they did not have clean water to drink. He decided that raising money for those people would be a good thing. He worked for four months in order to earn his first seventy dollars. Ryan’s first well was built in 1999, when he was seven years-old, at a school in a Ugandan village. Ryan’s project grew from the seventy dollars collected by doing simple household chores to a foundation that today has contributed a total of five hundred and two water and sanitation projects in sixteen countries, bringing clean water and sanitation services to over  six hundred twenty one thousand seven hundred and twelve people. The foundation has raised millions of dollars. Ryan remains dedicated to the foundation and its work. He continues to speak passionately about the need for clean water around the world, and has visited over two dozen countries spreading his message. He has made presentations to hundreds of schools, churches, and civic clubs, and has attended more than two dozen international conferences and global events, including Rotary International and the World Water Forums. He is recognised by UNICEF as a Global Youth Leader. Ryan has received many awards for his work, including the World of Children Founders’ Award, the Order of Ontario (youngest ever recipient), the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers, the Canadian Meritorious Service Medal, the One X One Difference Award, and the Top 20 Under 20 Youth Award. His message has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, and CBC. Numerous books, magazines and newspapers have profiled Ryan, including Christian Science Monitor, People, Reader’s Digest, Time, Times of London and Watervoices. Ryan has met some of the most important people in the world, but he is not bragging. “The most impressive people I’ve met are the other kids who want to help, too,” he says. “I’m just an average kid,” Ryan says when anyone asks about his achievements. This is true; he plays basketball and ice hockey, and loves playing video games. Ryan’s family has been very supportive of his efforts to get clean water to poor people around the world. Ryan has recently graduated from high school in his hometown of Kemptville, Ontario. He will be attending the University of King’s College this upcoming year in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Question 4to medio

How long have the people been reading this book?
In What year was this book published?
How many editions of this book have been published?
What happened with Queen Victory?
Who created a comic of this story?
When was it created?
Who starred the most recently film adaptation?
How was the critics of this film?
What is The latest and perhaps most revolutionary innovation?
What kind of book does Roberto prefer?
According to Monica, What kind of people read  comics?

According to Roberto, how are the books?

This is our last class...I'll miss you a lot!!!!

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Reading Conprehension 4to medio

Translate to Spanish and write on your notebook the text below

Alice’s Journey through Time

Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago people were reading Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. It tells the story of a girl called Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world that is populated by strange and magical creatures. When Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865 it was an instant success, and even Queen Victoria became a fan. Since then, over one hundred editions of the book have been published and it has sold hundreds of millions of copies in countless languages.
But the success of Alice in Wonderland was not just limited to books. Walt Disney created a comic of the story in the1950s and later made an animated film. The story also became a TV series and was made into numerous films around the world. The most recent film adaptation was in 2010. Johnny Depp starred in Tim Burton’s film version, which used a combination of live action and 3D animation. The film was extremely successful with critics and with the public. However, the story of Alice in Wonderland doesn’t stop there. Throughout its life new media have taken the story and presented it in different ways. Originally a book, Alice in Wonderland has appeared in the theatre, in comics, cartoons, films and in 3D. The latest and perhaps most revolutionary innovation is the electronic book Alice for the iPad. In this version, when they touch or shake their iPad, readers can make Alice grow or shrink, throw darts at the Queen, make the Mad Hatter even madder or swing the rabbit’s pocket watch. Reading a good story has never been so much fun!

Monica: What do you prefer to read: comics or books?
Roberto: That’s true. Books are longer, often too long.
Monica: Yes, but it’s not really a waste of time. You just have to hope the next book you read is better!
Roberto: Maybe you’re right, but I still prefer comics.
Monica: Why? Some people say that comics are for lazy people.
Roberto: Yeah, but sometimes the ending of a book is really disappointing I hate that. You feel like you’ve wasted a lot of time...
Monica: I don’t mind a long book if it’s good. When you get to the end of a good book you feel you would like it to go on...
Roberto: I’m not lazy! Sometimes books are complicated and have too many characters. Comics are easier to understand.
Monica: They are also shorter than books!

Roberto: Oh comics, definitely!

viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Texto 8vo Básico

Read Write translate and answer the questions

Is English an International Language?
Nowadays, more than 300 million people speak English as their first or native language in countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia or New Zealand. In other countries like Pakistan, India, Guyana or South Africa, English is not the mother tongue, but people speak it as a second language. In Canada, they have two official languages, English and French.
Since the beginning of the XX century, English has become the main language of international communication. Although Mandarin Chinese and Spanish both have more native speakers, English is certainly the world’s most popular language in the world.
English is today an open language. It has incorporated words from latin, Greek and many modern languages. For example, many words derive from Hindi, such as pajamas and bungalow.
In Latin American and European countries, English is a very important foreign languge and people usually learn it at school.
The importance of English has grown since the World Wars of the last century. The cinema, music, and television have helped take American culture into many countries that listen to American music and watch American films, sit-coms, and cartoons.
There are of course, various small differences between the English that people use in different parts of the world. There are also numerous different accents, none of which is better than the others.
The most common differences in English re between American and British English, but in Australia, Scotland and Ireland there are also differences in vocabulary.
For a long time, people around the world have considered English as the world´s most important language.

Has this process finished? Only time will answer this question.

How many people speak English?
Which two languages have more native speakers than English?
What language do the English words pajamas and bungalow originally come from?
What countries people speak English as their first language or native language in?
Which are the two official languages in Canada?
Where do people learn English in Latin America?
What countries people speak English as their second language?

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Modal Verbs 1ros medios


sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

Modal Verbs

Write, complete and translate

Passive Voice 1ros Medios

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014

Much Many Few Little Some Any A lot of

 Exercises A lot of - Many - Much - Some - Any - Few - Little

martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

Past Simple or Present Perfect Tense

domingo, 20 de abril de 2014


Link, make, write and translate in your notebook.

martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Present Perfect Tense

Activities about Present Perfect Tense

Do the 5 activities and write them on your notebook

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Text in simple Past Tense

Complete, write and translate

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Exercise on Simple Present - Present Progressive

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014