domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Pronouns (object and reflexive)

Complete the sentences with one of the pronouns of objects (me you him her it us them).

  I can't see Mary. I can't see ________
  Karen is next to Peter. Karen is next to ________  

  Can you help Peter and Ann? Can you help ________?

 Drink your apple juice! Drink ________!

 We are going to the cinema. Come with ________!

 These are my bananas. You can't eat ________

 Carol is at school. She can't come with ________

 The cat is under the chair. Can you see __________?

 Dave can't swim. Help ________!

 It's Kate's birthday today. This is a present for ________

 Where are you? I can't see ________

 The windows are opened. Close ________

 I can't ride a horse. Help ________!

II Click on the following link and make the exercises.

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