viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Texto 8vo Básico

Read Write translate and answer the questions

Is English an International Language?
Nowadays, more than 300 million people speak English as their first or native language in countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia or New Zealand. In other countries like Pakistan, India, Guyana or South Africa, English is not the mother tongue, but people speak it as a second language. In Canada, they have two official languages, English and French.
Since the beginning of the XX century, English has become the main language of international communication. Although Mandarin Chinese and Spanish both have more native speakers, English is certainly the world’s most popular language in the world.
English is today an open language. It has incorporated words from latin, Greek and many modern languages. For example, many words derive from Hindi, such as pajamas and bungalow.
In Latin American and European countries, English is a very important foreign languge and people usually learn it at school.
The importance of English has grown since the World Wars of the last century. The cinema, music, and television have helped take American culture into many countries that listen to American music and watch American films, sit-coms, and cartoons.
There are of course, various small differences between the English that people use in different parts of the world. There are also numerous different accents, none of which is better than the others.
The most common differences in English re between American and British English, but in Australia, Scotland and Ireland there are also differences in vocabulary.
For a long time, people around the world have considered English as the world´s most important language.

Has this process finished? Only time will answer this question.

How many people speak English?
Which two languages have more native speakers than English?
What language do the English words pajamas and bungalow originally come from?
What countries people speak English as their first language or native language in?
Which are the two official languages in Canada?
Where do people learn English in Latin America?
What countries people speak English as their second language?

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

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