jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense. Exercises

I   Type the correct past form in the box in the following sentences.Translate them.

1.   Tony (work) 
___________________ in Berlin last week.
2.   Tony (walk) 
___________________ to school this morning.
3.   Tony (live) 
___________________ in Toronto last summer.
4.   Tony (wait) 
___________________ on the staircase for the past five hours.
5.   Tony (need) 
___________________ a book yesterday.
6.   Tony (watch) 
___________________ your game last night.
7.   Tony (expect) 
___________________ to shop last weekend.
8.   Tony (prefer) 
___________________ the yellow bubble gum at recess.
9.   Tony (use) 
___________________ an eraser ten minutes ago.
10. Tony (talk)
___________________to my mother over the weekend.

II   Type the correct past form in the box in the following sentences. Translate them

1.   Lily (try) 
___________________ to visit Berlin last week.
2.   She (stay)  
___________________  at our house last night.
3.   They (muddy)  
___________________  up my truck in Thunder Bay yesterday.
4.   I (play)  
___________________  on the staircase for the past five hours.
5.   Tony and Lily (carry)  
___________________  a book last week.
6.   We (study)  
___________________  your lesson last month.

III   Link the following page web