domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

Actividades para 1ros 2dos años

I              Complete the text with the following words.

Twenties – brown – eyes – hiking – earring – shoes – years 

My daughter, Karina, is a teenager. She’s medium height with dark __________ and straight hair, it’s pretty long. She’s got beautiful green __________. She’s nineteen __________ old. She’s wearing black jeans, a yellow t-shirt and white athletic __________. Her boyfriend, Victor, is in his __________ and he’s fairly short. He’s 1,60 mts. He’s got short, black and wave hair. He has got a beard. He is wearing an __________ on his left ear, baggy pants, __________ boots and a baseball cap worn backward.

II           Translate to Spanish the following phrases.

Pretty tall                                          
Fairly short                            
Long brown hair                                           
A moustache                                                 
Straight black hair                            
Curly blond hair                                
Big green eyes                                  
She’s in her thirties   
He has a beard          
I am wearing sunglasses

III         Completar según las alternativas entre paréntesis.

a.        She __________ sixteen years old (am/is/are)

b.       My parents  __________ from Spain (is/are/am)

c.        This students _________ never late for class (is/am/are)

d.       I  __________ not a student (is/am/are)

e.       Teenagers ____________ not very polite (is/are/am)

f.         Mary __________ a  teacher (am/is/are)

g.        __________ you 15 years old? Yes, I  _______ (are-am/is-are/are-are)

h.       _____ the children in the garden? No, they ______ (are-am/is-are/are-are)

i.         Peter  __________ a bus (drive/drives/driving)

j.         Tom often __________ to the cinema with friends (go/gos/goes)

k.        John and Susan  __________ to music (listens/listening/listen)

l.         Mary is a teacher. She ______ Maths to young people. (teach/teaches/teachs)

m.      My mother _________ chocolate (like/likes/likeing)

n.       My girlfriend _________ ice cream (loving/loves/love)

o.       There  __________ an apple (is/are/am)

p.       There are some __________ (pears/pear/a pear)

q.       Is there a pencil? Yes, there  _______ (is/are/am)

r.        _______ do you live? I live In Santiago. (where/what/who)

s.        _______ is his hair? It´s brown, curly and long (when/what/how)

t.         _______ do you read? I read a book (what/how/when)

u.       _______ is your birthday? It’s on august 20th (when/how/where)

v.        _______ is your name? My name is Roberto. (when/who/what)

w.      _______ old are you? I am 30 years old (what/when/how)

sábado, 16 de junio de 2012

Actividades 3ros 4tos medios

I           Completar las oraciones en pasado simple usando el verbo entre ( ).

1. Ayer fui al cine. Me gustó mucho la película. (go like)
2. Laura sabía tu dirección. (know)
3. Andrés se sentó, abrió el sobre y leyó la carta. (sit open read).
4. Pagamos la cuenta y salimos del restaurant. (pay leave)
5. Ellos disfrutaron la fiesta. La fiesta terminó en la mañana. (enjoy finish)
6. Nadie conocía el camino cuando fuimos a tu casa. (know)
7. Me levanté a las 6.30 toda la semana pasada. (get up)

II    Ordenar la siguientes palabras formando frases interrogativas (preguntas) en pasado y responderlas.

1. Sing - at the party - did - she - a song
2. Your neighbor - about his dog - did - talk to you.
3. Walk - your mum - yesterday - home - did
4. Go - last weekend - where - you - did
5. Was - when - born - you
6. Thomas - born - was - where

III         Completar las frases con el pasado simple del verbo entre paréntesis.

Peter __________ a bus when he was 28 years old. (drive)
John and Susan __________ to music together last night. (listen)
I __________ to her for resolving the problem last weekend.(talk)
He __________ all the question yesterday. (answer)
My grandparents __________ in London in 1998. (live)
My wife __________ a lot of picture on holidays. (take)
Mary __________ to school this morning. (go)
We __________ our shopping last Monday. (do)
Fiona __________ her grandma last Sunday. (visit)
Your friend __________ a fantastic computer for working. (have)

IV       Completar el siguiente cuadro.

Questions Text: Hip Hop Style

       Activities about text Hip- Hop Style

 I.                        Match each word with its meaning

Look                                                 _____ very large; baggy
Urban                                               _____ popular trend; hit
Beat                                                 _____ from big cities
Loose-fitting                                    _____ musical rhythm
Sensation                                        _____ something to be proud of
Pride and joy                                   _____ appearance

  II.                        Answer the questions

What is hip-hop music?
What are hip-hop fashions?
Where did hip-hop fashions begin?
When did hip-hop fashions become popular?
Why did hip-hop become a fashion sensation?
Why are hiking boots popular?
How do the hip-hop performers wear their baseball cap?
Where is Melanie Borrow from?
How many pairs of hiking boots does David Bowen have?


Hip-Hop Style

Teenagers who listen to the same music often have a common look. One hot style in music and fashion is hip-hop. Simply put, hip-hop is a type of urban music with a heavy beat. Typical hip-hop fashions are loose-fitting street clothes. The style includes baggy pants, sweatshirts, hiking boots, baseball caps (usually worn backward), jackets with sport logos and expensive athletic shoes. In the hip-hop style, boys and girls often dress the same way.

African-American kids in Detroit and Chicago first made hip-hop fashion trendy more than 20 years ago. They wore baggy street clothes to dance clubs. Then North American and European bands also began wearing this style. Thanks to the popularity of music videos and movies, hip-hop soon became an international fashion sensation.

Teens around the world, from Britain to South Africa to Japan, now wear hip-hop clothing. Seventeen years old Melanie Borrow, of Manchester, England, says:”My pride and joy in life are my Levi’s jeans.” In the United States, teens spend a lot of money on hip-hop fashions. David Bowen, 17, of Evanston, Illinois, has five pairs of hiking boots, each costing around U$ 100. David says: “They’re popular because a lot of hip-hop performers wear them.”

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense. Exercises

I   Type the correct past form in the box in the following sentences.Translate them.

1.   Tony (work) 
___________________ in Berlin last week.
2.   Tony (walk) 
___________________ to school this morning.
3.   Tony (live) 
___________________ in Toronto last summer.
4.   Tony (wait) 
___________________ on the staircase for the past five hours.
5.   Tony (need) 
___________________ a book yesterday.
6.   Tony (watch) 
___________________ your game last night.
7.   Tony (expect) 
___________________ to shop last weekend.
8.   Tony (prefer) 
___________________ the yellow bubble gum at recess.
9.   Tony (use) 
___________________ an eraser ten minutes ago.
10. Tony (talk)
___________________to my mother over the weekend.

II   Type the correct past form in the box in the following sentences. Translate them

1.   Lily (try) 
___________________ to visit Berlin last week.
2.   She (stay)  
___________________  at our house last night.
3.   They (muddy)  
___________________  up my truck in Thunder Bay yesterday.
4.   I (play)  
___________________  on the staircase for the past five hours.
5.   Tony and Lily (carry)  
___________________  a book last week.
6.   We (study)  
___________________  your lesson last month.

III   Link the following page web