jueves, 3 de julio de 2008

40 useful phrasal verbs

The listing of 40 useful phrasal verbs

  1. AGREE WITH - estar de acuerdo
  2. BE ABOUT TO - estar a punto de
  3. BE BACK - regresar
  4. BE OUT OF - quedarse sin
  5. BE OVER - terminarse
  6. BREAK DOWN - averiarse
  7. CALL BACK - volver a llamar
  8. CARRY ON - seguir. continuar
  9. CARRY OUT - llevar a cabo
  10. CLEAR UP - poner en orden
  11. COME ACROSS - encontrar, dar con
  12. COME IN - entrar
  13. CUT OFF - cortar, desconnectar
  14. GET BACK - volver, regresar
  15. GET IN (TO) - entrar
  16. GET OFF - bajar (de un autobus, tren)
  17. GET ON - subir (a un autobus, tren, moto)
  18. GET UP - levantarse
  19. GIVE BACK - devolver
  20. GIVE UP - dejar (de fumar, beber)
  21. GO AWAY - irse, marcharse
  22. GO BACK - volver, regresar
  23. GO OUT - salir (por la calle)
  24. HANG ON / HOLD ON - esperar
  25. HANG UP - colgar (el teléfono)
  26. KNOCK DOWN - derribar, atropear, demoler
  27. LOOK AFTER - cuidar
  28. LOOK FOR - buscar
  29. LOOK FORWARD TO - esperar con ilusión
  30. LOOK UP - buscar algo (en un libro, diccionario)
  31. PUT IN - meter, introducir
  32. PUT ON - encender
  33. RUN OUT OF - quedarse sin algo
  34. TAKE AFTER - parecerse a
  35. TAKE OFF - despegar
  36. TAKE OUT - extraer, sacar
  37. THROW AWAY - tirar (en la basura)
  38. TURN DOWN - bajar (el volumen)
  39. TURN UP - subir (el volumen)
  40. TURN ON - encender (televisión, luces etc.)

Phrasal verbs(2)

What is a Phrasal Verb?(2)

Phrasal verbs are idiomatic expressions, combining verbs and prepositions to make new verbs whose meaning is often not obvious from the dictionary definitions of the individual words. They are widely used in both written and spoken English, and new ones are formed all the time as they are a flexible way of creating new terms.

Phrasal verbs

What is a phrasal verb?(1)

It's a verb + a particle (preposition or adverb) that changes the meaning to make a new verb.


  • She's looking after the kids
  • I've decided to give up smoking.
  • What will she say when she finds out?
Phrasal verbs are very common in spoken and written English so we need them to understand and speak natural English.